En el mundo por demás acelerado y envuelto hoy en mucha información gracias a los diversos medios que se tienen en esta maravillosa época, las personas ya se comunican unas con otras mas por el computador o el teléfono móvil que mirándose a los ojos, se crean romances y hasta matrimonios, pero cambien se hacen miles de de contactos empresariales, grandes negocios tantos que hasta se mueven millones de dólares solo por la red, pero se modificaron los sentimientos, El ser humano automatizó su corazón? tal vez, olvido lo grato de tomar una mano o una hermosa caricia a la tenue luz del crepúsculo, los sentimientos de las personas han cambiado, por lo que se permite mas fácilmente mentir y engañar a otros, el amor como la concepción infinita interior que se exterioriza para compartir entre dos, es amor se ha ido? yo sinceramente espero que no sea así, porque con la actual situación mundial será el amor el que evite que este mundo se acabe, los seres humanos debemos recordar que venimos de una fuente de amor infinito, el amor verdadero que nos creo y nos lleva a ser la expresión humana de una fuente eterna, inagotable e infinita, la luz de Bondad y paz, de la que vinimos y que olvidamos escondidos en millones de pensamientos confusos, el amor que salva el mundo ya ha perdido su valor, porque el hombre lo confundió en una sociedad acelerada, consumista e impregnada de falsedad, a las mujeres las que vinieron a este mundo a ser creadoras de vida, inspiradoras de amor, fuente de creación ternura y belleza, se les estereotipó en fuente de deseo, se les enseño que su valor fundamental es sexual y no interior, hasta la música que hoy las mas pequeñas oyen, insista a seguir perdiendo su valor en harás del sexo y todo tipo de desviaciones, el amor perdió su valor en un mundo donde lo que mas necesita es precisamente el amor, ahora amado lector lo único que resta es invitarte a viajar a tu interior y buscar allí tu conexión con el amor, rescatarlo para ti y rescatarlo para irradiar el mundo, necesitamos iniciar una revolución del amor para todos no solo el amor de pareja, también el amor con el planeta, cada desequilibrio en la forma de amarnos nosotros mismos y amar a nuestros semejantes con honestidad y lealtad, todos absolutamente todos estamos llamados a rescatar el amor, es el reto actual de la humanidad, solo necesitamos nuestra conexión interior se fortalezca para rescatarnos cada uno de nosotros y abrir nuestro corazón hacia el mundo exterior, necesitamos conectarnos con la fuente de Amor y dejar que en nuestros corazones se solidifique para poder así mostrar el amor a nuestros dejas congéneres. Amado lector aceptas del reto de envolverte en amor para ti y el mundo entero? yo espero recibir pronto la inspiración necesaria para ayudarme y llegar al amor y poder escribirlo para ti y el mundo entero. Te Amo, Te Amo, Te Amo.
In the world today other accelerated and wrapped in a lot of information through various means which have in this wonderful time, people and communicate with each other more for the computer or mobile phone eye to eye, it creates romances and even marriages, but change will make thousands of business contacts, that many large businesses to move millions of dollars just for the network, but the feelings were changed, the automated human heart? perhaps forgotten how pleasant to take a hand or a beautiful touch to the dim light of dusk, people's feelings have changed, so you can more easily lie and deceive others, love as the infinite interior design is externalized to share between two, love is gone? I sincerely hope not, because with the current world situation will be love that keeps this world ends, human beings we must remember that we come from a source of infinite love, true love who created us and leads us to be the human expression of an eternal source, inexhaustible and infinite light of goodness and peace, from which we came and we forget hidden in millions of confused thoughts, the love that saves the world has already lost its value, because the man confused in a fast-paced society, consumerist and imbued with falsehood, to the women who came to this world to be creative life, inspiring love, source of creation tenderness and beauty, they are stereotyped source of desire, they showed that its fundamental value is sexual and domestic, to the music you hear today's smaller, insist to continue losing its value in sex and will do all kinds of deviations, love lost its value in a world where what is most needed is precisely love, dear reader now all that remains is to invite you to travel inside yourself and find your connection there with love for you to rescue and rescue to irradiate the world, we need to start a revolution of love for everyone not just romantic love also love the planet, every imbalance in how to love ourselves and love our neighbors with honesty and loyalty, all absolutely all are called to rescue the love, is the current challenge of mankind, we just need our inner connection be strengthened to rescue each of us and open our hearts to the outside world, we need to connect to the source of Love and let solidify in our hearts to show love and let our fellow man. Dear reader accept the challenge to wrap you in love to you and the world? I look forward to receiving the inspiration to help me and get to love and to write to you and the world. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.
In the world today other accelerated and wrapped in a lot of information through various means which have in this wonderful time, people and communicate with each other more for the computer or mobile phone eye to eye, it creates romances and even marriages, but change will make thousands of business contacts, that many large businesses to move millions of dollars just for the network, but the feelings were changed, the automated human heart? perhaps forgotten how pleasant to take a hand or a beautiful touch to the dim light of dusk, people's feelings have changed, so you can more easily lie and deceive others, love as the infinite interior design is externalized to share between two, love is gone? I sincerely hope not, because with the current world situation will be love that keeps this world ends, human beings we must remember that we come from a source of infinite love, true love who created us and leads us to be the human expression of an eternal source, inexhaustible and infinite light of goodness and peace, from which we came and we forget hidden in millions of confused thoughts, the love that saves the world has already lost its value, because the man confused in a fast-paced society, consumerist and imbued with falsehood, to the women who came to this world to be creative life, inspiring love, source of creation tenderness and beauty, they are stereotyped source of desire, they showed that its fundamental value is sexual and domestic, to the music you hear today's smaller, insist to continue losing its value in sex and will do all kinds of deviations, love lost its value in a world where what is most needed is precisely love, dear reader now all that remains is to invite you to travel inside yourself and find your connection there with love for you to rescue and rescue to irradiate the world, we need to start a revolution of love for everyone not just romantic love also love the planet, every imbalance in how to love ourselves and love our neighbors with honesty and loyalty, all absolutely all are called to rescue the love, is the current challenge of mankind, we just need our inner connection be strengthened to rescue each of us and open our hearts to the outside world, we need to connect to the source of Love and let solidify in our hearts to show love and let our fellow man. Dear reader accept the challenge to wrap you in love to you and the world? I look forward to receiving the inspiration to help me and get to love and to write to you and the world. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.
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