Hoy después de mucho tiempo, recibí un mensaje de texto de alguien por quien hubiese cambiado mi mundo en su momento, fue un ser muy importante, me hizo sonreír en un momento de mi vida que tenia muchas razones para llorar, pero que si es pasado es porque algo no funcionó, me alegro saber de esa persona, pero me dolió su mensaje de Amor, después de tanto tiempo sus palabras sonaron ficticias, mentirosas y hasta hipócritas, después de hacerle entender que no tenían sentido alguno en mi vida, recordé nostálgica mente pero muy tranquila nuestros momentos juntos, sus millones de promesas incumplidas, las veces que dejo de llamar cuando dijo que lo haría, recordé su inconstancia, sus múltiples incoherencias, bueno todo eso se acumulo y al fin tuve la sensatez necesaria para dejarlo atrás, pero fue inevitable pensar en lo que yo sentí, en el amor que le he tenido y que en algún instante de cansancio pues el amor se debe cuidar y constantemente, en mi experiencia los hombres en cuanto conquistan el corazón generalmente olvidan que para mantener el sentimiento hay que mantener y cultivar el amor que les es dado, pero eso lo ampliare en otro momento, hoy me concentro en los sentimientos perdidos, cuando uno ha amado y por alguna circunstancia debe dejar de amar a la persona objeto de ese amor, se pasan momentos muy difíciles, se debe hacer el duelo que en algunos casos es muy largo y en otros no tanto, eso no lo establece nadie mas que cada persona, en mi caso entendí que el nunca iba a pasar de lo que pretendía ser, y le deje atrás, pero hoy me pregunte y a donde va el amor después de dejar a una persona? pues hizo parte importante de tu vida, no sientes el mismo sentimiento pero esa persona sigue siendo un bonito recuerdo, cuando has hecho bien tu duelo, el amor se trasforma ya no tendrá los matices de pasión tendrán un recuerdo en tu corazón, un sentimiento distinto algo suave y dulce claro pero libre de ataduras o condicionamientos, un sentimiento de aprecio sin ir mas allá, el amor no muere y no te separas del todo de esas personas, pues en el fondo de todos como somos esencia del mismo Dios de ese mismo modo todos estamos relacionados siempre entonces la separación no es interna es externa, por tanto hace mas posible que el amor de pareja termine, pero no el amor por la persona en una dimensión distinta pero bonita. Al pensar que el amor muere casi nuestros corazones mueren ya que todos sabemos que no se puede matar el amor, el sentimiento trasformado en algo distinto te permite se sutil y delicado con la persona pero firme con tus decisiones, no es necesario remover o causar heridas pero si ser claro con lo que sientes y lo que no, esto es un procedimiento que te ayuda a crecer y evolucionar sin maltratar a nadie sobre todo a uno mismo, pues seria fácil recaer en una relación nociva y sin sentido pero todo en nuestro interior se renueva y cuando se trasforma el amor recaer en algo sin una base fuerte y real es sostener lo insostenible. Me vi libre de dolor por esa persona pero también libre de amar a quien me pueda hacer sentir bien a su lado sin dudas o angustias, pues el amor propio no me permitirá estar con alguien que me ame menos de lo que yo misma me amo. Hoy escribo para ti amado lector, porque creo que muchas veces los sentimientos por los viejos amores son los mas difíciles de manejar, en algunas circunstancias, pero al recordar lo bonito que paso, porque toda relación ha tenido algo bonito, y es ahí donde se guarda el amor trasformado en los recuerdos bonitos en las vivencias que compartes que se trasforman de recuerdos y parte de tu propia historia, no es necesario matar esos recuerdos solo hay que almacenarlos con mucho cariño para que cuando salgan a tu exterior te saquen una gran sonrisa, le puedas enviar amor a la persona y luz de alegría y simplemente dejar ir la persona y el recuerdo. Amado lector ojala los amores del pasado sean un activo bonito en tu vida y no un amargo lastre. Te Amo, Te Amo, Te Amo.
Today after a long time, I received a text message from someone who had changed my world at the time, was a very important, made me smile in a moment of my life I had many reasons to mourn, but if past is because something did not work, I'm glad to know that person, but it hurt his message of Love, after all this time his words were fictitious, mendacious and hypocritical to then make him understand that they had no sense in my life, I remembered nostalgic but very quiet mind our time together, their millions of broken promises, I miss the times that call when he said he would, I remembered her inconstancy, its many inconsistencies, well all that was accumulated and finally had the wisdom necessary to leave it behind, but it was inevitable to think of what I felt in love I've had and that at some point of exhaustion because love must be carefully and consistently, in my experience as men generally win the hearts forget that to keep the feeling must maintain and cultivate the love that is given, but that it will expand later, today I focus on feeling lost, when you've loved and for any reason to stop loving the person subject to this love, they spend difficult times, is due to grieve in some cases is very long and others not, that does not set anyone but each person, in my case I realized that would never happen of what purported to be, and left behind, but today I ask and where you love after leaving a person? it was part of your life, you feel the same feeling but that person is still a nice memory, when you've done your grief, love transforms and nuances will not have a memory of passion in your heart, a different feeling something soft and sweet clear but free from restrictions or conditions, a feeling of appreciation without going beyond, love does not die and do not separate it from all of those people, because deep down we are all essentially the same as God of the same so everyone is always connected then the separation is not internal is external, then it more likely that the couple love is over, but no love for the person in a different dimension but nice. Thinking that love dies almost killed our hearts we all know you can not kill love, the feeling transformed into something different you can be subtle and delicate to the person but firm with your decisions, it is necessary to remove or cause injury but be clear with what you feel and what not, this is a procedure that helps you grow and evolve without harming anyone especially yourself, it would be easy to fall into a relationship harmful and pointless but everything within us renews and transforms when the love fall on something without a real strong base and sustain the unsustainable. I was pain free for the person but also free to love who can make me feel good to him without any doubts or anxieties, for the pride will not let me be with someone who loves me less than I love myself. Today I write to you dear reader, because I think many times the feelings for the old loves are the hardest to handle, in some circumstances, but remembering how nice it happened, because every relationship has had some nice, and this is where save the love transformed into beautiful memories you share in the experiences that transform memories and part of your own history, it is necessary to kill those memories should be stored only with love so that when you go outside you out a big smile , you can send love and light to the person of joy and just let go of the person and the memory. Dear reader loves the past hopefully be a nice asset in your life and not a bitter ballast. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.
Today after a long time, I received a text message from someone who had changed my world at the time, was a very important, made me smile in a moment of my life I had many reasons to mourn, but if past is because something did not work, I'm glad to know that person, but it hurt his message of Love, after all this time his words were fictitious, mendacious and hypocritical to then make him understand that they had no sense in my life, I remembered nostalgic but very quiet mind our time together, their millions of broken promises, I miss the times that call when he said he would, I remembered her inconstancy, its many inconsistencies, well all that was accumulated and finally had the wisdom necessary to leave it behind, but it was inevitable to think of what I felt in love I've had and that at some point of exhaustion because love must be carefully and consistently, in my experience as men generally win the hearts forget that to keep the feeling must maintain and cultivate the love that is given, but that it will expand later, today I focus on feeling lost, when you've loved and for any reason to stop loving the person subject to this love, they spend difficult times, is due to grieve in some cases is very long and others not, that does not set anyone but each person, in my case I realized that would never happen of what purported to be, and left behind, but today I ask and where you love after leaving a person? it was part of your life, you feel the same feeling but that person is still a nice memory, when you've done your grief, love transforms and nuances will not have a memory of passion in your heart, a different feeling something soft and sweet clear but free from restrictions or conditions, a feeling of appreciation without going beyond, love does not die and do not separate it from all of those people, because deep down we are all essentially the same as God of the same so everyone is always connected then the separation is not internal is external, then it more likely that the couple love is over, but no love for the person in a different dimension but nice. Thinking that love dies almost killed our hearts we all know you can not kill love, the feeling transformed into something different you can be subtle and delicate to the person but firm with your decisions, it is necessary to remove or cause injury but be clear with what you feel and what not, this is a procedure that helps you grow and evolve without harming anyone especially yourself, it would be easy to fall into a relationship harmful and pointless but everything within us renews and transforms when the love fall on something without a real strong base and sustain the unsustainable. I was pain free for the person but also free to love who can make me feel good to him without any doubts or anxieties, for the pride will not let me be with someone who loves me less than I love myself. Today I write to you dear reader, because I think many times the feelings for the old loves are the hardest to handle, in some circumstances, but remembering how nice it happened, because every relationship has had some nice, and this is where save the love transformed into beautiful memories you share in the experiences that transform memories and part of your own history, it is necessary to kill those memories should be stored only with love so that when you go outside you out a big smile , you can send love and light to the person of joy and just let go of the person and the memory. Dear reader loves the past hopefully be a nice asset in your life and not a bitter ballast. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.
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