Feliz Nuevo Año, 2012, es un nuevo y maravilloso año, en el cual todos los seres que respiramos en este planeta estamos inmersos ya, por todos los rincones del planeta se vive y se respira el optimismo y el amor esta en la vibración general, todos estamos preparando la vida para alcanzar nuestros sueños y propósitos, ahora en silencio todos somos invencibles, capaces de construir desde el fondo de nuestro ser lo mejor para la vida, este es el momento de llenar de aire los pulmones y visualizar nuestra nueva vida, disfrutar de lo que nos merecemos por ser parte de un todo que solo permite el amor sincero, verdadero, sin el apego o la imposición, solo desde nuestro ser etéreo y único que viene desde la misma fuente del amor, es verdad ya no podemos seguir pensando que lo que nos mueve en la vida es algo distinto al amor verdadero incondicional ese que esta en cada ser humano aunque este se haya esforzado a despojarse de ella, es momento de interiorizar y comprender esto. todos venimos de una misma fuente la fuente de amor inagotable, y somos parte de ese amor, es momento de sentir amor por todos y por cada uno de los seres, que te rodean, animados e inanimados, vamos adelante llena tu vida de amor, cuando te sientas caer solo piensa que esto es una experiencia temporal y que también pasará. Adelante abre la puerta de tu corazón al amor y vive de el y para el amor. Te Amo, Te Amo, Te Amo.
Happy New Year, 2012, is a wonderful new year, in which all beings that breathe on this planet we are engaged and, in every corner of the planet lives and breathes the optimism and love is in the overall vibration, life we are all prepared to achieve our dreams and goals, we are all silent now invincible, able to build from the bottom of our being the best for life, this is the time to fill his lungs and view our new life, enjoy what we deserve for being part of a whole which only allows the sincere love, true, without attachment or imposition, only from our unique ethereal being that comes from the same source of love is true we can no longer thinking that what drives us in life is something other than the unconditional true love that is in every human being but this has tried to shed it's time to internalize and understand this. all come from the same source the source of unfailing love, and we are part of that love, it's time to feel love for all and every one of the beings around you, animate and inanimate, let us go fill your life with love, when you feel down just think this is a temporary experience and that too will pass. Adelante opens the door of your heart to love and live by it and to love. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.
Happy New Year, 2012, is a wonderful new year, in which all beings that breathe on this planet we are engaged and, in every corner of the planet lives and breathes the optimism and love is in the overall vibration, life we are all prepared to achieve our dreams and goals, we are all silent now invincible, able to build from the bottom of our being the best for life, this is the time to fill his lungs and view our new life, enjoy what we deserve for being part of a whole which only allows the sincere love, true, without attachment or imposition, only from our unique ethereal being that comes from the same source of love is true we can no longer thinking that what drives us in life is something other than the unconditional true love that is in every human being but this has tried to shed it's time to internalize and understand this. all come from the same source the source of unfailing love, and we are part of that love, it's time to feel love for all and every one of the beings around you, animate and inanimate, let us go fill your life with love, when you feel down just think this is a temporary experience and that too will pass. Adelante opens the door of your heart to love and live by it and to love. I Love You, I Love You, I Love You.
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